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My name is Nisarg Vadgama

I did my Bachelors as an Electrical Engineer from Gujarat Technological University, India. During my internship with Infosys I fell in love with programming. I have always learned different aspects of web development in my free time. I finally decided to join Lighthouse Lab's Fullstack Web Development Bootcamp to level up my knowledge and get a job as a Web Developer. After 3 months of gruelling Bootcamp, taking multiple tests, doing a couple of take home projects and lot of interviews I finally got a job as a Front End Developer at Revive Superfoods.

Also, my hobbies are football, cricket, reading novels and watching thriller movies. I am a fellow Gooner and a huge fan of Rick and Morty!

During these uncertain times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I am cooped up in my home. One silver lining out of this unfortunate situation is that I have immersed myself into self-learning. Fun fact - I created this whole portfolio while staying at home.


A representation of my proficiency in each skill


Bachelors in Electrical Engineering


Internship at


Completed Wireless Information Networking


Completed LHL Full-Stack Bootcamp

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ToDo app
A todo app to learn basic react

Use React as frontend library and CSS for styling. Learned how to use state and props.

Barbeque Website
Learning CSS

A sample BBQ website using flexbox and media queries to make it responsive and mobile friendly.

Lifestyle Blog
Learning CSS

I made this website to practice and learn responsive web practices and mobile first practice.

Bookstore App
A bookstore app making use of React and Redux.

Made a CRUD app using React and using Redux to store the state. CSS to style the components. Hosted on Heroku server.

à la

TinyApp is a full-stack web application built with Node and Express that allows users to shorten long URLs. Used EJS as a template and CSS for styling.

Using canvas element to create animation

Created circles using canvas in HTML5. Learned how to interact with canvas objects with mouse.

Custom Select Box
Learn how to use and manipulate DOM.

Create a select box with JavaScript to understand how select box works

Open Movie Database

OMDB allows the user to save their favourie films they feel should be up for nomination. This project was created as a part of Shopify's UX Developer Intern & Web Developer Intern Challenge - Fall 2021.

Final Bootcamp Project

Our project makes use of react-three-fiber to show 3D models of every planet. react-three-fiber converts three.js to react based components. You can see NASA's Astronomy Picture Of the Day & latest news about NASA.